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The name of the Society shall be South East Art Society Incorporated and shall have its headquarters at Mount Gambier. It shall hereinafter be referred to as SEAS



2.1 SEAS shall be a self-governing,  not for profit organisation that will  encourage the practice of the Visual Arts and their promotion. It fosters the development of practising artists and their links with the wider community

2.2 Take any reasonable action, such as borrowing or purchasing, that is consistent with section 2.1.



3.1 Membership of SEAS shall be open to all interested persons, upon payment of the prescribed membership fees

3.2 Membership of SEAS shall entitle each member to:

(a) i Attend Committee meetings and speak at the invitation of the Chair

ii Attend General Meetings, speak with the permission of the Chair, and vote on such        matters as are raised

(b) Stand,  be nominated  and be appointed to any office or the Committee



5.1 The management of SEAS shall be vested in a Committee comprised of President, Vice President, Secretary,  Treasurer and immediate Past President and other members, elected at the Annual General Meeting

5.2 The management of SEAS will be vested in the Committee to:

(a) Operate bank accounts

(b) Insure any real or personal property

(c) Insure against public liability or liability arising from SEAS activities

(d) Accept or decline any gifts, legacies, bequests or donations 

(g)To appoint persons to operational roles as needed

(h) To form sub-committees and delegate powers as appropriate

(i) Will appoint a Public Officer

5.5 The committee shall meet at intervals most expedient for the fulfilling of its duties but not less than once every two calendar months



6.1 Subject to the Constitution of SEAS and appropriate legislation (Associations Incorporation Act 1985, SA) the Committee may conduct its meetings in such a manner as it sees fit

6.2 Special meetings of the Committee may be convened with a quorum present

6.3 Each member of the Committee shall have one vote on any motion and in the case of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote

6.4 At Committee meetings the President shall preside.  In their absence the Vice President shall preside. If neither of them is present at the start of the meeting, the meeting shall elect its own chairperson from the committee members present, providing a quorum is maintained

6.5 Minutes of the proceedings of each meeting of the Committee will be kept 

6.6. The minutes shall be accepted at the next meeting of the Committee subject to any corrections in terms of reporting accuracy and signed by the Chairperson 



8.1 For a Committee meeting the quorum shall consist of five Committee members, including  two office bearers 

8.2 (a) At a general meeting (excluding the Annual General Meeting) five members, including two office bearers shall be required to form a quorum

(b) At the Annual General Meeting ten members, including two office bearers shall be required to form a quorum

8.3 If within a quarter of an hour of the appointed time of the meeting, a quorum is not present the meeting shall stand adjourned for a minimum period of two weeks and reconvened



8b.1 No proxies are permitted. Notification in writing of a vote for an expected or anticipated motion may be communicated beforehand to the Chair, and subsequently counted. The Chair may also cast a vote at Committee for a Committee member, absent through misfortune, in line with the person’s known view



9.1 Office bearers shall serve a term of one year.  All positions will be declared vacant at the Annual General Meeting and new nominations taken



10.1  The financial and membership years of SEAS shall be from 1 July to 30th June



11.1 Voting shall be by a show of hands or otherwise as the Chairperson at the time directs. Where contested a secret ballot will be conducted

11.2 (a) At all general meetings the President will preside. In their absence the Vice President shall preside

(b) If neither Office Bearer is present at the start of the meeting, the meeting shall elect its own chairperson provided a quorum is present

11.3 The Chairperson shall be responsible for the conduct of the meeting 

11.4 (a) Minutes shall be recorded

 (b) The minutes shall be confirmed at the next meeting and duly signed by the Chairperson

11.5   In the event of a tied vote to any motion, the Chairperson’s vote will decide the motion

11.6   A special general meeting of members may be called at any time by the Committee or by the Secretary on receiving a written request specifying the subject to be discussed and signed by at least five members

11.7  Fourteen days’ notice of special general meetings and the business to be brought forward at such meeting, to which discussion shall be directly confined, shall be given by the Secretary to the members 



12.1 The Annual General Meeting of SEAS shall be held during the period between 1st July and 30th September each year at a time and date to be arranged by the Committee

12.2 Two weeks notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to previous year’s members 

12.3 The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be minuted and comprise the following:

(a) The President shall present a report of the year’s activities

(b) The Treasurer shall submit a Bank statement reconciled report as at the end of the financial year and accounts independently reviewed by a financial authority

(c) The election of Officers and Committee members for the ensuing year shall take place

(d) To set Membership fees for the following financial year 

(e) vote for any change to the Constitution providing fourteen days’ notice of proposed changes have been given to financial members 

12.4 Each nomination for election shall be recorded. If accepted it shall be voted on 

12.5 If more nominations are received for one position then election shall be by secret ballot for that position. Two scrutineers, who shall be financial members of SEAS, shall be appointed by the meeting

12.6   Each candidate for election to the Committee must be a full financial member of SEAS



14.1 The President:

(a) Shall preside over meetings of SEAS and shall organize meetings and committee meetings as required

(b) Shall have a deliberative vote at all meetings and in the event of a tied vote shall have a casting vote

14.2 The Vice President: 

(a) Shall fulfil any such roles and responsibilities as requested by the President or Committee

14.3 The Secretary:

 (a) The Secretary shall keep full and correct records of all proceedings of all meetings 

(b) Shall keep detailed records of members 

(c) Shall conduct the correspondence of SEAS and keep such records as the committee may direct 

(d) Shall keep members informed of SEAS activities

14.4. The Treasurer

(a) Shall manage and record all expenditure and revenue and be responsible for all assets

All payments shall be approved/ratified by the Committee and authorised by two signatories (Treasurer and one other)



15.3 Any members of the committee who might benefit financially, whether directly or indirectly from any matter under discussion shall make this fact known to the Committee when their interest first becomes apparent and shall refrain from debating the issue nor shall they cast  a vote in the matter


ARTICLE 18                                                            

18.2 Completed membership forms and payment are required for each financial year, from July 1st to 30th June.  However full payment can be received at any time through the financial year

18.3  SEAS  has one membership fee. However, members  joining in the current financial year (in the months of May or June) may pay the fee in full that may be extended, at no extra cost, to include the next financial year in full (to 30th June)                                                                                                                         

18.4. At the discretion of the Committee Life Memberships may be conferred. Such members are granted free membership of SEAS  



19.1 On proposal of a member and seconded by another, SEAS shall elect a Patron at a General  Meeting

19.2 A Patron so selected may, at their discretion, be present at any Committee meeting. Their opinion may be sought on Committee matters. They shall not vote at such meetings.

Substantially revised June 2022

Accepted (Signature) ……………………………… Dated …………………………………
